2022 Cuvée Orange Gewürztraminer


This white wine was fermented on the skins for 10 days to extract tannins, colour (a beautiful eye of the partridge pink hue), and the highly perfumed rose-petal notes synonymous with Gewürztraminer. Serve chilled. This is a great sipping wine particularly for red wine drinkers who usually avoid whites but are looking for a refreshing chilled wine.

Enticing nose of potpourri, rosewater, pink grapefruit pith and crunchy starfruit with a glimmer of resin-drenched juniper berry adding wild complexity! Fresh tart lychee fruit and florals on the palate finishing dry and clean. Beautiful texture and tannin - a delight for the senses.

VQA Niagara Peninsula

Sugar content: 2g/L